
in production

Eight Swiss museums respond to the challenges of digital transformation - we support them in this process.

How does digital knowledge transfer in the cultural field become a reality? In order for the transformation to succeed and the new opportunities to be exploited, a digital strategy is required: existing structures must be adapted, and new competencies must be built up.


On the initiative of Engagement Migros, the pioneering project digitorials.ch will accompany the museums in the development and implementation of an overall digital strategy over the next three years. The results of the conceptual preliminary work will directly be tested in practice. This way, the different institutions can independently adjust structures and processes further. The so-called Digitorials® will function as case studies. This digital format combines innovative storytelling with different media, interlacing images, sound and text, to set new standards in the mediation of cultural content. The production of Digitorials requires working in agile, cross-departmental teams.


Digitorials® were developed at the Städel Museum, the Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung and the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt in Germany. The Swiss museums participating in the project, will build on the concept and develop it further.

Through workshops and individual coaching, the museums will be empowered to shape their own digital future. The overall goal is the independent development and implementation of digital formats.


For more information: digitorials.ch

Partner museums

Kunstmuseum Basel, Museum der Kulturen Basel, Zentrum Paul Klee / Kunstmuseum Bern, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Seemuseum Kreuzlingen, Kunsthaus Zürich


in cooperation with

Städel Museum, Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung and Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt


supported by

Engagement Migros, a development fund of the Migros group


project management

Jörg Schulze, maze pictures swiss
